What to Bring to Hot Yoga: Essential Items for Your Practice

By Namaste University •  Updated: 07/03/23 •  7 min read
What to bring to hot yoga

Hot yoga has become increasingly popular over the years, thanks to its numerous benefits for the mind and body. But for those who haven’t tried hot yoga before, it could be an intimidating experience. Fear not! This article helps guide you on what to bring, expect, and wear to ensure you have a fantastic hot yoga class.

Before attending your first session, it’s essential to come prepared and know what to bring to hot yoga, with the right gear and mindset. By knowing what to bring, you’ll be more confident and comfortable throughout your practice. Entering a hot yoga studio with the correct attire and essentials will not only enhance your experience but also boost the positive effects this unique workout offers.

From navigating the sweltering temperatures to choosing the appropriate clothing, this article will provide you with the necessary knowledge to embark on your hot yoga journey confidently and smoothly. Stay tuned as we discuss the key items you should keep in mind before stepping into that steamy studio.

What is Hot Yoga?

Hot yoga refers to various yoga styles that take place in warm and heated studios, providing a more intense workout compared to traditional yoga. The practice of hot yoga aims to improve physical health, calm the mind, reduce stress, and increase flexibility and range of motion in the joints.

One well-known form of hot yoga is Bikram, developed by Bikram Choudhury in the 1970s. This specific style involves a sequence of 26 poses performed in a room heated to 105 degrees Fahrenheit. The heat makes the workout more challenging and can be appealing to those who like a more intense workout.

When attending a hot yoga class, it’s essential to come prepared with the right clothing and gear, and that’s why you need to keep reading. What to bring to hot yoga? We have you covered!

What to Bring to Hot Yoga?


When it comes to answering the question of what to bring to hot yoga, water is the king. Hydration is key in any yoga practice, but especially in hot yoga. The heat and sweat can increase your risk of dehydration, so it’s vital to bring a water bottle with you to the studio. Choose a large bottle that can last you throughout the class—better to have too much than too little.

Go to the Bathroom Beforehand!

Once the Bikram class commences, students in numerous studios are advised against exiting the heated room resembling a sauna.

Begin your hot yoga experience on a comfortable note by using the restroom before starting the class. This simple preparation ensures a worry-free practice so you can remain focused on your poses and breathing throughout the heated session.

Less is More

When it comes to clothing, consider lightweight and breathable options. Stick to moisture-wicking fabrics to help keep sweat at bay while you practice. Opt for a sports bra that provides ample support and comfort while you move through your poses.

Invest in a Sweat Proof Mat

Having a suitable yoga mat is essential for any practice, but in hot yoga, it’s even more important. Look for a mat designed to handle sweat and provide a non-slip surface to grip during your poses.

Non-Slip Hot Yoga Hand Towel

A non-slip hot yoga hand towel is an excellent addition to your hot yoga toolkit. It’s designed to keep you dry and comfortable during the practice, ensuring you have good support and grip on your mat for each pose.

Bring Your Toiletries

Since hot yoga involves a lot of sweating, bringing along toiletries like face wipes, deodorant, and a small towel can help you freshen up after class. Stay focused on your practice knowing you’ll have everything you need to feel clean and refreshed afterward.

Sports Bra

Hot yoga demands a reliable sports bra that can handle sweat and provide comfort and support. Invest in a chafe-resistant sports bra that features fast-drying, sweat-wicking fabric for maximum convenience during class.

Dry-Wicking Tops

Like sports bras, dry-wicking tops are essential for hot yoga. These tops are designed to wick moisture away from your body, keeping you dry and comfortable throughout your practice.

Dry-Wicking Leggings

Choosing leggings made from moisture-wicking fabric is just as important as selecting the right tops for hot yoga. Dry-wicking leggings help fight sweat, ensuring you stay focused on your poses and transition smoothly from one position to another.

Yoga Towelettes

Keep yoga towelettes on hand for a quick and hygienic way to clean your yoga mat and equipment before and after each practice. These towelettes are an easy-to-carry option for maintaining cleanliness in the studio.

Change of Clothes

Bring a change of clothes to wear after your hot yoga practice. Opt for loose, comfortable garments that make it easy to transition from your workout to the rest of your day. You don’t want to leave the studio all sweated!

Extra Bag For Wet Clothes

Finally, pack an extra bag to store your sweaty clothes after the hot yoga class. This will keep them separate from your clean belongings, helping you stay organized and maintain cleanliness during your post-workout routine.

What Not To Wear To Hot Yoga

What to bring to hot yoga also involves knowing what to not bring, and particularly what not to wear. When attending a hot yoga class, choosing the right attire is crucial for a comfortable and effective practice. In this section, we’ll discuss clothing items to avoid wearing during hot yoga.


Cotton may seem like a natural choice for yoga wear, but avoiding this fabric in hot yoga classes is best. Cotton absorbs sweat and takes a long time to dry, which can lead to discomfort and restricted movement during your practice. Opt for moisture-wicking clothing instead, like those made from antimicrobial and non-slip materials, to stay both comfortable and safe throughout the class.

Flare Yoga Pants

Flare yoga pants might be a popular choice for some, but they can become a hindrance in hot yoga. The excess fabric can make it difficult to maintain proper alignment and flexibility during poses, especially in a heated environment. Stick with form-fitting leggings that provide better mobility and a reduced risk of slipping.

Long Sleeves

It’s important to choose clothing that allows for maximum heat dissipation during hot yoga classes, which often last 90 minutes or more. Long sleeves can trap heat, making it harder to regulate your body temperature and potentially affecting your metabolism. Instead, go for a breathable tank top or a moisture-wicking sports bra — one that can handle the increased intensity of hot yoga styles like Bikram, Hatha, and Vinyasa.

While preparing for hot yoga, remember that personal comfort and safety are essential for a small yet effective workout. Accessories like headbands or non-slip yoga mats can also enhance your experience in classes, ensuring that you can fully immerse yourself in the practice without any distractions.


Even though the pace may be slower than other forms of yoga, hot yoga can still offer many benefits, including reduced stress, improved mental focus, and the potential for increased calorie burn. Plus, practicing yoga in a heated room may help the body detoxify by sweating out impurities and toxins. However, knowing what to bring to hot yoga is key to getting the best out of the practice, so we hope you are all clear and looking forward to sweating!

Also, if you want to know more about hot yoga, don’t miss these other articles we’ve published;


Namaste University

Greetings, fellow yogis! We are Namaste University, passionate practitioners of Yoga and the voice behind this blog. Join us as we explore the transformative power of yoga, unlocking the mind, body, and spirit. Let's embark on this journey of self-discovery together and embrace the wisdom that yoga bestows. Namaste!

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